Honey Chocolate Mousse

I love chocolate, and i find the idea of mixing chocolate with honey blissful. Trust me when i say that it doesn't get to sweet but honey actually balances the taste of bitter chocolate. Now this is one combination which is hard for me to resist after a long school day.It is true that dark chocolate and honey relaxes your body, but seriously making it itself is relaxing. This is how i did it
What i used:
200 grams dark chocolate broken into bits.
200 ml fresh cream
2 tablespoons of alcohol (any alcohol is fine though i keep flip-flopping on whether i should use it or not.it tastes good either ways)
4 tablespoons of raw honey
How i did it:
1. melt the chocolate , alcohol and honey on a double boiler. You could whisk it if u really cant wait for it to melt on its own.

2. Cool this chocolate sauce while you get on with the cream.
3. Pour the cream into the sauce mix and beat on medium speed for 5-6 minutes.
4. Cool if its still warm and then pour it in glasses.
5. Refrigerate for about an hour or until set.
before serving i fill it till the top with some crushed milk chocolate wafers for a bit of crunch with the mousse.
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